May 26, 2009

Vintage Travel Trailer / New Kitchen Cabinet Wood Veneer

My Favorite Wood Product in the Entire World - Amber Finish ONLY!
BEFORE - Upper cabinet over kitchen
New Oak Veneer Installed - No Shellac...Yet.
BEFORE - Upper Wall Cabinet - Over Single "Stand Alone" Cabinet
AFTER - New Oak Veneer Installed.
Back Side of New Oak Veneer with "Weldwood" Contact Cement Applied.

After - Veneer applied and one coat of shellac so far.
Another View of same cabinet.
Before Shellac.
Another View - Before Shellac again.
One Coat of Shellac.
Pile 'O Face Frames and Cabinet Sides from "Before".
BEFORE - Kitchen Cabinet - Painted White - and the NOT original blue "Marble" streaked Laminate from the 80's. Ick.
New Counter Plywood / Oak Veneer Face Frame.
New Veneer Installed.
One Coat of Shellac so Far - Only 3 More to go...

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